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Home > Whisky on the rocks in a sentence

Whisky on the rocks in a sentence

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Sentence count:12Posted:2024-08-13Updated:2024-08-13
Similar words: on the rockson the stockswhiskymalt whiskyscotch whiskyskyrocketrock starrock saltMeaning: n. whiskey with ice. 
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1) I'll have a whisky on the rocks, please.
2) He had a whisky on the rocks.
3) Give me a double whisky on the rocks.
4) That would be whisky on the rocks.
5) I like whisky on the rocks.
6) Give me whisky on the rocks.
7) Give me a whisky on the rocks,( on the rocks.html) please.
8) I would like Scotch whisky on the rocks.
9) People usually have whisky on the rocks, because the ice cubes help to make the taste smoother.
10) Would you like whisky on the rocks or straight up?
11) Well, let me have a Suntory Old Whisky on the rocks, please.
12) Would you like to have cocktail or whisky on the rocks?
More similar words: on the rockson the stockswhiskymalt whiskyscotch whiskyskyrocketrock starrock saltrockslideskyrocketing priceeasy on the eyespay on the naillay on the tablea fly on the wheellittle rockspace rocketon the roadon the ropeson the blockbe on the ropeon the docketprogressive rockriskyon the order offriskyon the assumption thaton the supposition thatlock stock and barrelrisky venturewhisk
Total 12, 30 Per page  1/1 
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